Okay...slept a bit longer today. Our last family day for (hopefully) only 2 weeks. AHHHHH! One of the hardest parts of this "adventure" is having to leave my kids at home. Courtney has been sleeping with us the last few nights and we asked Mackenzie to take over bed buddies while we are gone (sniff). I'm re-thinking the whole hotel idea for tomorrow ... not sure what the hotels look like (dives?) and money...we can still get up and leave by 5:30 (Mark's regular time anyway!) and TRY to get one last SLEEP in! Mark made a new pen for the ducks with a door ... so the kids can herd them in instead of trying to catch them. It looks really good. Callahan went fishing last night with Mark...and LOVED it. They joined Tim and family out on the Delta and caught 2 fish! It was good birthday and bonding time. I got my bonding in at home! (heehee)
Okay...off to write my "friends and family" email ... got to get that done first today.