We had Tanner's 3 month Cardiology check up today at UCSF with Dr. Teitel. Tanner started with an EKG (top photo) and then had an ECHO (bottom photo) to check for any accumulated fluid (previous problems). But THERE WAS NOTHING TO BE FOUND! Yipee! When they tested his oxygen levels, normally a child that just had a fontan procedure might register at the most, 94. They put the little tape on his finger, and it automatically read at 97. The cardiologist was amazed. He also said that because Tanner's left side of the heart was the strongest with the defect on the right, everything looks awesome! He even took Tanner off the lasix (diuretic) medicine! It'll make a difference for that late night pee! The ECHO tech said that Tanner was his best patient of the day...it felt good to hear after we had to keep him from racing around the office! Hard to keep this kid under wraps these days...even harder to believe he had heart surgery 6 months ago! Our next piece of good news was that our elevation limit has lifted! Tanner might have trouble breathing at high elevations, but it's okay for him to travel...even fly! Good thing to hear, since we had gone to the snow last weekend at 5000 feet. (pictures to come...) We even got to meet with our Nurse Practitioner, Julie and she got to see Tanner running up and down the hallway, amazed at the difference. We now don't have to go back until September...one year after surgery. It seems unbelievable to be at this point...I wasn't sure if we'd ever get here. Baby steps...patience...and an incredible little boy.

After the appointment in the city...we jumped out of there because of the commute traffic window (have to be on the Bay Bridge before 3:00 or wait until after 6:00...believe me, we've timed it!) and headed out to the Hayward mall to get Courtney's ears pierced! She started a few days ago asking if it felt like a shot, will the earrings fall out when she jumps on the trampoline...it was adorable. So because Mark had taken a half-day off work, we decided to continue with our "family fun day" and take her to Claires to get her new earrings. The little princess didn't even flinch. I was so impressed with her. In fact, the back already fell off while she was in bed tonight and she brought it right to me so we could fix it. She can't wait to go back to school next week to show all her friends. Another wonderful day to add to our treasure box.