As tough as our 9 week stay was at UCSF, we were so fortunate to be invited to a special event...the SFO Fantasy Flight from United Airlines - a trip to the NORTH POLE! Saturday, December 5th, we drove to SFO and were treated to a reception of clowns, snacks, royalty, fire fighters, police officers, and many volunteers all dedicated to make the day special for the kids! We had special boarding passes and Tanner received a special picture ID for the flight. Once on board, we found our seats and Tanner had a personalized Santa Hat and a window seat! It was so special! Everyone was so helpful and friendly!
They served us sandwiches, grapes, chips, and cookies...and half-way through the flight, it was announced the North Pole was too fogged in that we couldn't land! So Santa made a special visit on our plane! The kids were very excited! We also had the opportunity to walk around the plane...and to the upper deck of first class seats! Tanner even used the tiny potty!

As if the day wasn't special enough, we also met our hospital roommate family! The boys were so excited to see each other again...and we got to catch up. When we landed, the gate was decorated with trains and balloons...and the event ended with volunteers giving the kids each a goodie bag, a Target gift card, and a Chevron Gas card for the parents! It was truly a magical day for our family. Mark realized it was the first time since September we had all been in the car together as a family. A special day we'll remember forever!

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