Pretty good day. Tanner perked up when Daddy and the kids arrived. They brought a HUGE Lightening McQueen Balloon and a candy bar! It was the first time Tanner has smiled in a week. It was great to see. Then we had found a television with an old Nintendo 64 and Mario Racing! So while Courtney went with me to shower...Tanner told Mackenzie and Callahan which characters to pick for the game! Very Cute. Then I took the older kids and we went to the cafeteria for lunch. They thought that was a big treat. I am so proud of my kids. They aren't afraid of anything here...and they talk to Tanner...and give me big hugs. Tanner and I miss them so much! AHHHHH! So Tanner had to start some respiratory therapy today. Apparently, because he's been in bed and not taking deep breaths...the little sacks in his upper left lung are "sagging". VERY COMMON for after surgery. So 4 times a day, Tanner sits up and the nurse "pounds" his back with an oxygen mask. It sounds loud and harsh, but it's very relaxing and he loves it! Then he has to breathe deep into another mask and make the red dot jump up and down. He doesn't seem to mind it at all. Everyone keeps saying what an excellent patient he is! He has also been taking oral liquid meds...which he HATES!...but he's been really good about suffering through it with "koolaid chasers". What a trooper.
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