We are very tired. And I am very frustrated that everything electronic I pick up DOESN"T WORK! My FLIP video library is "lost" on the laptop...I wanted to post pix of Tanner's room. We'll try tomorrow after coffee (I"d say "after a good night sleep" but we all know that's not going to happen!) Only one parent is allowed to sleep bedside so Mark is going to try to sleep in the waiting room. The plan is to take turns. It already seems like we've been away from home too long. Tanner is running a fever, but they're not that worried because it's common after a cath procedure. It's just been a nightmare getting him to take any meds by mouth. We were sharing a room with 2 other patients, we had about 1/7th of the room, and just now (9:30pm) got moved to a different room all by ourselves until tomorrow. Much quieter! Time to settle in with some McQueen Video and head rubbing!
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