Courtney and Tanner making sticker art...
I've had a lot of fun posting pictures lately that I've forgotten to write! It's getting a bit harder because Tanner is feeling better and wants to read, play Candyland, or go to the playroom. "Mommy, are you listening to me?" is what I got this morning as I was loading the pictures. Ah yes, it will be quite a transition when we finally make it home! Our Nurse Practitioner Julie joked that Tanner will just go to college here...haha...and bless her heart...she went to Safeway last night to shop for some low-fat alternatives for Tanner. There is fatty tissue surrounding the heart and frequently those get nicked during surgery. It happened to Tanner during the last surgery and it happened again this time. It's call chylous (callous) and now we have to limit his fat intake to help dry up the draining. Like Tanner needs to be limited fat intake...he's lost so much weight already! But it's only for 6 weeks after surgery...and we've already put in 3 so...it shouldn't be too bad. I know it'll be a lot easier once we get out of here and I can shop around at Safeway and read labels and not rely on the cafeteria sending up plain, bland food that he WON"T EAT.
Mark brought Courtney for a visit yesterday...and had to bribe her because she HATED not being at Kindergarten! But we had a wonderful visit and she even snuggled in bed with Tanner. We took her to the playroom and she was just fascinated! It was a lot of fun. Mark and ALL the kids are coming tomorrow and I can't wait. Tanner is in GREAT spirits...singing and talking my ear off. This morning he got sick on some strawberries, and then again on lemon-lime soda so I mentioned it to the doctor. First words out of her mouth were, "has he pooped in awhile?" Funny thing he was TRYING this morning! She said it's the first thing that comes to mind when a patient throws up out of the blue. Sure enough, he pooped and finished his lunch of bland, boring, cooked chicken. I'm going to head downstairs and get him some Baked Lays that he loves so much and are only 2 grams of fat per serving!
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