Tanner went for a wagon ride today! We went to the playroom but it was closed, but they let us pick out a "Blue's Clues" book to read at our bedside.

Nothing like a little soda to lift the spirits! And make you pee!

Gotta give him credit for trying it...turkey stew and rice...but then I had to make him Easy Mac...
Nothing like a little wagon ride the lift the spirits. Mark came by himself today and it was fun to have him all alone. I just have to give him so much credit too...taking on the "mommy role"...3 ACTIVE kids...24 hours a day...bringing us necessities...what a guy! We had a fun time throwing around a ball (wadded up napkin) and coloring. Before our wagon ride, they removed his oxygen tubes! Little bits removed at a time! He's still draining quite a bit...and they are keeping an eye on it for the next few days. If it doesn't stop...they may have to do another Catheter procedure to find out what is creating the extra pressure...hence the extra fluid. Never a dull moment around here!
My shower was very nice today. I remembered to bring some towels...but for ole times sake...I dried (exfoliated) my arms with paper towels. Gotta keep it fresh around here too!
But the wagon ride was not the only trip we made today. About 2:00...the doctor came down and said, "I am so sorry...but we have to move you guys again. We have a part of the hospital you haven't seen yet!" Ha! Ha! Ha! They were closing this part of the Pediatric ICU overflow unit and moving us to the main ICU which only had 2 out of 10 beds full (all comes down to money!) At this point...I kind of expect to be moved in the middle of the night! The charge nurse from the Pediatric Cardiac ICU almost came to tears. "You guys don't understand how much it means you being so flexible...its been so hard shifting around beds...the good news is Tanner is the most stable!" Honestly, what else am I supposed to do? Throw a temper tantrum? Rant and rave? Nope...I get excited because we're going to a part of the hospital we haven't been before! And by being so "flexible", we got a room with a view!
So it was a pretty good day UNTIL Mark called me on his way home traveling over the Bay Bridge announcing HE GOT A PARKING TICKET! He had found a parking spot on the street, and since it was Saturday, he assumed he didn't have to feed the meter! And even confirmed it with the guy parking next to him! The worst part... he missed the parking meterman by 3 minutes!
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