Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Xmas 2010

Happy Holidays Friends and Family!  We are so fortunate to be ending this year on such a HIGH note!  Everyone is healthy and happy!
Here's hoping YOU and YOURS are surrounded by love and warmth this holiday season!
Happy 5th Birthday
to our TANNER!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

So long summer!

Wow, its been a long time since I've posted!  What a crazy summer.  The kids barely had 6 weeks off, and we tried to squeeze in as much as we could.  Unfortunately, we had several deaths in the family.  Never a fun time.  We lost Mark's Grandmother, and my Dad and Grandfather (my mom's dad).  As much as I LOVE having my kids home with me for the summer, it was time to say goodbye to this dreadful summer (before we lost anyone else!) 

The kids are doing GREAT.  Mackenzie started 6th grade, which is now at the middle school, Callahan is in 4th, and Courtney is in 1st grade.  Their schools are very close, so I'm not spending as much time in the car this year!  And fortunately, I have 2 neighbors helping with the morning carpool for Mackenzie so that helps me out a lot. 

We did get some swimming in this summer and Tanner just LOVED it.  It's his thing.  He learned to swim underwater a bit...but LOVED jumping in and doing cannon balls.  This picture is him jumping over his Pa.    Mark and I were just reflecting and realized we're coming up on Tanner's one year surgery anniversary.  What a thought.  Such heart break, emotions, and stress to come full circle to watching this little boy do laps around us!  We have a check-up at UCSF the end of September, so we always look forward to checking in with our doctors and nurses and show off what an incredible job they did for Tanner. 

We did plant a garden too, with sunflowers peeking in my window each morning.  We also had TONS of zucchini squash, cucumbers, 2 pumpkins, and strawberries (that the birds ate!)

So I'm glad I've posted a few FUN pictures, makes me realized we DID have a fun summer despite all the deaths.  We just try our best to have fun as a family, and stay positive for the future!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010

How "Callahan" got his name

At the birth of our second child, our first son, Mark and I finally decided on a name that was special to both of us.  I always had difficulty chosing names because of my teaching background; "No, that one reminds me of a bully!  No, that one is too popular!  No, that one has a million nick-names!"  My favorite movie is "While you were sleeping" with Sandra Bullock and Bill Pullman.  Bill Pullman's family name is "Callahan" and I just loved it.  Then Mark told me his little league team was sponsered by "Callahan Insurance" so we both had a connection!  Thus, Callahan Henry Wieland was born! 

BTW, Mark is #15 in the picture above...he thinks it was 7th or 8th grade!

I'm done!

I have been collecting fabric for a "kids" quilt for some time on ebay, making Mark browse through the fabric stores and I finally finished!  First, I got to set up my own sewing corner up in the loft and block it off with a kids gate so I could come and go as I found a few quiet minutes to sew.  Then we got a full sized bed from my grandparents which needed bedding for Tanner's room.  I ended up making it a duevet cover for a feather bed we also got from my grandparents.  But, I may have to convert it back to a quilt...Mark says it almost suffocated him last night! 

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring Break...Sun and Snow-Part 3

What is Spring Break without... SNOW?

We went for a weekend trip up to Mark's Parents house in West Point and then drove 45 minutes up the mountain to 5000 feet and into the snow!

Mommy pulling Tanner on a "snow saucer"



Mackenzie and Callahan had fun building a snow fort...

Mark was the adventurous one...taking a ride down the hill in the snow saucer!

Callahan's 9th Birthday

April 5, 2010...Happy Birthday to my Callahan! We were fortunate to have the day off from day for after Easter...and we had lots of fun. Callahan picked sausages and eggs for breakfast...which he cooked himself...

...and then for lunch, Grandmother came and took us all out to eat at Straw Hat Pizza...Callahan's choice! Afterwards, we went to get dollar scoops of ice cream and Callahan got a special sprinkled cone!

When Dad got home, we opened presents...and decided to wait to go out to dinner since we were all still pretty full from lunch.

Dad picked out this special present for Callahan all by himself! It has 35 darts! Watch out!

We made homemade vanilla cupcakes with fudge frosting for Callahan to take to school on we made one extra for the birthday wish!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring Break...Sun and Snow-Part 2

After hiking and a nice picnic lunch...we settle down by the stream and let the kids play in the ICY water! They always have a blast!

"Mommy, this looks like a piece of pizza!"





Spring Break...Sun and Snow-Part 1

Our annual hiking trip at Round Valley...about 10 miles from our house. It's a regional preserve with trails for hiking and horse back riding. This year we had
16 kids and 4 adults...Happy Birthday Christie! Tanner was being camera shy and hiding in the red bike trailer.

The day was beautiful...even had a chance to check messages from another family wanting to join us!

The kids love running out for cow patties!

This was in honor of my horrific cow patty event last year. THIS YEAR I managed to walk AROUND the cow poop!

Spring break is over?

I LOVE having my kids home for any breaks from school. It might mean lots of arguments, taking trips to the park, NOT taking trips to the store (4 is way too many to referee and try to shop!) BUT we all get to sleep in, snuggle on the couch, and make lots of messes in the house! So on Monday, the kids started back to school and I started back babysitting 2 toddlers (plus Tanner...we're never bored!) and Mark was sick...Friday he'd had the stomach flu and by Monday he still couldn't get past the dizziness so he was in bed. I just wasn't ready for the kids to go back to school! Okay, maybe a half day so I could get some errands done, but that's it! Tuesday, I picked the kids up early from school for their dentist appointments...and because of their lunch-time schedules, I got them at 11, then took them to McDonalds and then on to our appointments. It was Courtney's first time...3 surface cavities and then Callahan's turn...1 filling needed repaired. But all in all, a good appointment.

By 4:00pm it was a whole different world. I wanted to go back to school! Tanner started complaining his stomach hurt. He threw up, drank water, and threw up some more. Loved seeing that McDonalds again. It'll be, like FOREVER, before we go back there again. By 7:00pm, Courtney had HER head in the toilet. And continued until midnight. Meanwhile, I'm fighting a stomachache, cleaning "just in case bowls" and switching out clean towels. By 10:00pm, I succumbed to the porcelain queen. At midnight, I was at it again. Picture, Me, Tanner, and Courtney layed out in my bed...we banished Mark to upstairs with the "healthy" kids. At 11:00pm, one of my toddler's families was texting me that the little one was throwing up too...and at 5:00 am the next morning...their "Papa" had it worse. Wednesday comes none too fast...and the little ones and myself napped all day while Mackenzie slept off a headache and Callahan was our "go-between" for water and crackers. By 2:00pm, Mackenzie join us in the "sickie room". Thursday was a recovery day...trying to gain a little strength, get a little "restful" sleep until Callahan woke me at 2:00am...the last of our family to get the stomach flu. Now today, Friday, has been the day to make sure EVERYONE makes it to the potty on time!

Guess I should be thankful...I got another week at home with my kids!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Tanner's 3 month Cardiology Appointment

We had Tanner's 3 month Cardiology check up today at UCSF with Dr. Teitel. Tanner started with an EKG (top photo) and then had an ECHO (bottom photo) to check for any accumulated fluid (previous problems). But THERE WAS NOTHING TO BE FOUND! Yipee! When they tested his oxygen levels, normally a child that just had a fontan procedure might register at the most, 94. They put the little tape on his finger, and it automatically read at 97. The cardiologist was amazed. He also said that because Tanner's left side of the heart was the strongest with the defect on the right, everything looks awesome! He even took Tanner off the lasix (diuretic) medicine! It'll make a difference for that late night pee! The ECHO tech said that Tanner was his best patient of the felt good to hear after we had to keep him from racing around the office! Hard to keep this kid under wraps these days...even harder to believe he had heart surgery 6 months ago! Our next piece of good news was that our elevation limit has lifted! Tanner might have trouble breathing at high elevations, but it's okay for him to travel...even fly! Good thing to hear, since we had gone to the snow last weekend at 5000 feet. (pictures to come...) We even got to meet with our Nurse Practitioner, Julie and she got to see Tanner running up and down the hallway, amazed at the difference. We now don't have to go back until year after surgery. It seems unbelievable to be at this point...I wasn't sure if we'd ever get here. Baby steps...patience...and an incredible little boy.

After the appointment in the city...we jumped out of there because of the commute traffic window (have to be on the Bay Bridge before 3:00 or wait until after 6:00...believe me, we've timed it!) and headed out to the Hayward mall to get Courtney's ears pierced! She started a few days ago asking if it felt like a shot, will the earrings fall out when she jumps on the was adorable. So because Mark had taken a half-day off work, we decided to continue with our "family fun day" and take her to Claires to get her new earrings. The little princess didn't even flinch. I was so impressed with her. In fact, the back already fell off while she was in bed tonight and she brought it right to me so we could fix it. She can't wait to go back to school next week to show all her friends. Another wonderful day to add to our treasure box.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Engagement Photos

Nothing like a trip down memory lane to make you jump on the treadmill pronto. How fun it's been finding "old" photos with our 12-year anniversary approaching. Such ups and downs...but stuck together like glue. I'll never forget my cousin in Canada telling me years and years ago, over drinking beer and mowing the lawn (or is it cutting the grass up north?) "You have to WORK at marriage. Don't take anything for granted." Always tried to keep that in the back of my mind especially when I have wanted to scream and pull my hair out! Haven't we all?

c. 1997

Look how faded this one has become...and the photographer had snapped it in-between takes...catching us "in a moment" of my favorites of all time.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Computer Frustrations

Wow...It's been awhile. I have tried on several occasions to post cute videos of the kids but now my FLIP video is saving files in MP4 formats which the blog won't accept. I need to find a way to convert them without spending a fortune (or dime). I think part of the problem is the files are too big. What? You don't want to see my kids running around to cute music? Go figure. It's just the way of life for us. Lots of challenges. But I'll make it work! Might take awhile...but I'll do it! (haha laughs Mark, as he watches me scream and yell at the computer!) I have started babysitting again, a 16 month and 2 year old (plus Tanner) so for those readers (but really, no one here!!!) who are under the impression that stay-at-home moms watch soap-operas and eat bon-bons all day (even though I look the part!) ... COME VISIT ME! If fact, here I am typing away and Tanner is driving his cars on the wall, turning the volume up and down on the TV, and banging the doors open and shut on the hutch asking, "are you done yet?"! Today is one of those rare days it's just him and I, but if I even float towards the area of the computer, the two toddlers think it's an open invitation to stuff the toilet with paper or unload the tupperware closet. Aye! This morning I had to dress the kids in pink to suppport the teachers in all of CA getting pink slips because of budget cuts. Even Callahan, whom I had to reassure, REAL BOYS WEAR PINK! He mumbles and grumbles, but he is a good sport.

Okay...have to get Tanner some snack...more later...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Remember when there was just 2?

Okay...I found more in the collection of "lost photos". These are from back in the days when I would (try) to take Mackenzie and Callahan in to have their pictures done every 3/6 months. We kept Sears Portraits in business there for awhile. Heehee! Gotta love my new scanner!

September 2001

December 2001

August 2002

June 2003

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

REAL oldies

Moving is "sort" of like Christmas. (Come on, trying to stay sane here!) You find a lot of hidden gems you thought you had either thrown out, lost, or just plain forgotten. Here are a few photos we found in our sorting.

Our first car...bought in downtown Brentwood. I think I ate that skinny girl!

Halloween...on our way to "scare" my first graders

At Mark's cousin's a married couple

New Year's Eve...2000-2001...pregnant with Callahan