Tuesday, November 3, 2009

6 Weeks ... are we moving in?

To my loyal fans,

I must apologize for not keeping up. Mark was able to do Halloween on Friday at school with the kids and then switched with me so I could do Saturday Halloween with the kids. And this time, it wasn't so much of a recovery weekend as a "have fun with the kids and visit a bit with friends" weekend. It was fun to surprise a few on Halloween night...with the announcement that "Mark had dressed up like Christina!" It was funny. Trick or treating was fun until Courtney got sprayed with silly string...and then we went home. She actually went further than I had thought she would! Mackenzie stayed out with Chandra and family while Callahan stayed with Tim and family. So I got the best treat of all...snuggle time with Courtney! So unfortunately, I have not kept up on the blog for my faithful readers. BUT we have some really fun things to tell you all...

First, Mark taught Tanner to RIDE the IV pole. Fun, huh? And they spent Saturday night throwing a bouncy ball down the hallways. Jeez, they are going to KICK us out of here! Tanner has also been EATING LIKE CRAZY (and pooped 3 times yesterday!!!) I stopped at Safeway on my way back to the hospital yesterday and found soup, green beans, fat-free cheese (sounds gross, but he likes it!) It seems we spend most of the day feeding him! The xray has been clear for 4 days now! We haven't taken one today yet (would be day 5) but they are waiting until this afternoon. No rush. Tomorrow they are going to transition to oral diuretics and slow wean off the other IV meds on Thursday. WE HAVE A TENTATIVE HOME DATE OF FRIDAY!!!! Keep your fingers crossed....you know our history...but everyone says it's looking real good.

The nights are getting really long...Tanner isn't napping and is way more active during the day so he falls asleep quickly at night. Well, he HATES to be woken up for meds and screams and kicks and it's awful. Right now I'm nodding off...trying to convince him to watch a movie so I can snooze for a few. We've been up since 5:30am. Kinda early for me!

Thanks again for everyone's support! We're almost there!

1 comment:

  1. WHOOOHOOO! im soo excited and soo crossing my fingers for a homecoming this weekend!
